I rolled out of bed around 8:30 pm jumpend in th shower & went
to work for 10.
lunch time (2:30 am) rolls around & i go to get my D&D coffee & crash my babys kissin the jersy
barier on 113 near toys r us in warwick, I hit a patch of ice after turning onto 113 from the RI mall exit in front of ccri,
spun a bit & kissed the barier w/ the drivers side front quarter than spun back and kissed it with the drivers side rear
Somewhere in all that i hit my head on the roll bar & did something to bite through my lip. On the bright side she
still runs, though the steering is a bit screwed up & I only spent 2 hours in kent county hospital
Progressive came to the house & gave me a quote of $1,874.45.
Ralph & sons in Providence on West Fountan St did the body & frame
work, I DO NOT recomend them as they where supposed to replace parts
such as my steering gear & front fender and didn't, I got a used replacement fram and a junk yard engine and they didn't
even touch the spark pugs that where in there let alone change them.
The paint is bubbleing, chipping & cracking.
I took it back a couple of times & got the standard run around so I decided
to fix the remaining problems my self.